Yesterday’s Wine – Radio 614’s Classic Country Show

Woman in a plaid shirt and blue jeans standing in front of an antique jukebox.

Every 2nd and 4th Fridays at 8 p.m., DJ Ope Dokey brings you the latest digitized chestnuts from his vast vinyl collection of country classics. Here’s two programs, one from November 24, 2023 and another from December 8, 2023. Find out what DJ Ope Dokey is up to right now by listening this Friday, January 26 at 8 p.m.

One hour classic country music mix. Featuring Merle, Tammy, Tom T. Hall, Billie Jo Spears, Johnny Cash & much more!

One hour classic country music mix. Featuring Dolly, Bob Luman, Waylon, Freddie Hart, Molly Bee & more!